Movie Synopsis: Arturo Porcuna, alias Boy Golden was a notorious gangster who figured prominently in gangland violence and Mafia-like vendetta during the early 60s. That time, the streets of Manila became the center of several fierce and violent confrontations among feuding gang groups. Porcuna was feared but his life was brief and his bloody end came in the early morning of December 24, 1963 when he was shot to death by members of his rival gang group.
Boy Golden (2013)
Cast: ER Ejercito, KC Concepcion, Eddie Garcia, John Estrada
Director: Chito Rono
Genre: Action
Release Date: December 25, 2013
Boy Golden (2013)
Cast: ER Ejercito, KC Concepcion, Eddie Garcia, John Estrada
Director: Chito Rono
Genre: Action
Release Date: December 25, 2013